Wednesday, December 05, 2012

A review of Chris Stoakes's visit to the Commercium Colloquium

Agnieszka Lukaszuk (GDL 2012/3) reviews the 12/11/2012 visit of Christopher Stoakes, bestselling author of All You Need to Know About Commercial Awareness and All You Need To Know About The City:

Commercial awareness operates at different levels:
• money
• strategy
• business

• why companies need money and how they use it
capital, debt and equity
• ‘gearing’ - term used to describe the level of a company's net debt compared with its equity capital, and usually it is expressed as a percentage or ratio
sources of funding
loans and bonds
profit and loss
balance sheet
distributable profits (what it's all about)
• market perception
share price

• normative strategy (see the Harvard Management Update, "Beyond the Carrot and the Stick: New Alternatives for Influencing Customer Behavior")

The Boston Consulting Group growth-share matrix (see Bruce D. Henderson's article, "The Experience Curve - Reviewed IV. The Growth Share Matrix or The Product Portfolio")
[Image source:]

Organisational uses of scenarios (see Arie de Geus's article, "Scenarios and Decision-Taking")
• ‘what if…?’
• contingency planning

• Political
• Economic
• Social
• Technological
• Legal

• IBM v Microsoft (vision of the world)
• not the best but the most (Sony VHS v JVC Betamax)
• convergence of platforms (mobile/TV/laptop/MP3)and of content (mobile/videogame)
• import of viewing habits
• digitalisation (photography)
disintermediation (iTunes)
long-tail effect (Amazon)
• hidden value (eBay)
• social networking (Facebook, MySpace)
• virtual world (Second Life)

Porter's five forces (see Michael E. Porter's article, "The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy")
[Image source:]

Business and corporate structure
chairman, director, CEO, MD and executive
• role of the board
remuneration committee

Organisational design
• functions (marketing, R&D, logistics)
• role of general counsel
brand management